Procurement procedure "Improvements of the territory of the final point of public transport "Imanta" in Airītes Street 7, Riga and improvements of the territory of the final point of public transport "Jugla-3" in Murjāņu Street 58, Riga"

Riga municipal limited liability company „Rīgas satiksme”, Riga, Vestienas Street 35, LV-1035, tel. 67104800, fax 67104802, informs about the announced procurement procedure "Improvements of the territory of the final point of public transport "Imanta" in Airītes Street 7, Riga and improvements of the territory of the final point of public transport "Jugla-3" in Murjāņu Street 58, Riga" (identification No. RS/2022/43).

Extended submission deadline – August 12, 2022, 12.00.

Address with the electronic procurement system

Annexes with the electronic procurement system


Changes (01.08.2022.)

Technical drawing

Annex No. 5

Annex No. 7 

Answers to the questions (01.08.2022.)

Answers to the questions (05.08.2022.)

Summary of financial offers

Part 1

Contractor: Ceļu būves firma SIA “BINDERS” (reg. No 40003164644).

Contract amount: 744 093.11 EUR without VAT

Date of contract: 05.10.2022.

Date of decision: 07.09.2022.

Part 2

Contractor: SIA “BUILDIMPEKS” (reg. No 40103376961).

Contract amount: 228 042.54 EUR without VAT

Date of contract: 05.10.2022.

Date of decision: 14.09.2022.

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