Procurement procedure “”Modernization of external stormwater, production and domestic sewerage networks, Kleistu Street 28 (bus depot No. 6) and Vestienas Street 35 (bus depot No. 7)” construction project development and author’s supervision.”

Riga municipal limited liability company “Rīgas satiksme”, Riga, Vestienas Street 35, LV-1035, tel. 67104800, fax 67104802, informs about the announced procurement procedure   “”Modernization of external stormwater, production and domestic sewerage networks, Kleistu Street 28 (bus depot No. 6) and Vestienas Street 35 (bus depot No. 7)” construction project development and author’s supervision.” (identification No. RS/2022/39).

Bid submission deadline – August 8, 2022, 14.00.

Address with the electronic procurement system


Changes in Regulation (21.07.2022.)

Annexes to Regulation (part 1)

Annexes to Regulation (part 2)

Project specification No. 1

Project specification No. 2

Termination of Parts 1 and 2 of the procurement procedure without result, as no offers were received which complied with the requirements of the procurement regulation.

Date of decision: 24.10.2022.

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