Procurement procedure “Renewal (replacement) of trolleybus low-voltage cables of substation No. 14”
Riga municipal limited liability company „Rīgas satiksme”, Riga, Vestienas Street 35, LV-1035, tel. 67104800, fax 67104802, informs about the announced procurement procedure “Renewal (replacement) of trolleybus low-voltage cables of substation No. 14” (identification No. RS/2022/57).
Extended submission deadline – September 23, 2022, 12.00.
Address with the electronic procurement system
Construction project can be reviewed in the Electronic procurement system
Answers to the questions (13.09.2022.)
Answers to the questions (19.09.2022.)
The procurement procedure has been terminated on the basis of Paragraph 27.4 of the procurement procedure regulation (the offers submitted exceed the price of the agreement as estimated by the Customer).
Date of decision: 14.12.2022.