Regulatory documents
Cabinet of Ministers regulations:
- Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 634 of July 13, 2010 „The Procedure of Organising Public Transport Services in the Network of Routes”
- Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.599 „The Order of Providing and Using Public Transport Services” of August 28, 2012
- Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 414 of June 22, 2021 "Regulations for fare reductions"
- Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 279 of the June 2, 2015 „Road Traffic Regulations”
- Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 194 of April 7, 2020 "Procedures for the issuing, temporary suspending, or cancelling of special permits (licences) and licence cards for the performance of carriage by road for reward and for the issuing of professional competence certificates of the transport manager”
- Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 411 of May 24, 2011 „Procedure of Organising and Implementing Control over Motor Transportation”
- Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 435 of July 28, 2015 "The procedure of determination and compensation of losses and expenditures related to delivery of public transport services and determination of tariff for public transport services"
Binding regulations of Riga City Council:
- RD-24-277-sn (12.06.2024.)(prot. Nr. 121, 91. §) "Binding Regulations on the Use of Public Transport by Riga City Municipality"
- Riga City Council Binding Regulation No. RD-23-208-sn “On Ticket Discounts on the Riga State City public transport route network”
- Riga City Council Binding Regulation No. RD-24-270-sn of 15 May 2024 “Binding regulations for maintaining grounds and structures within the Riga State City Municipality”
- Riga City Council binding regulations No.206 of February 5, 2013 "Regulations on the management and use of Riga State City Municipality paid parking lots"
Regulatory documents of Riga City Council:
Documents of the Riga City Council Commission for Licensing Commercial Transportation of Passengers about the fare discounts:
- Minutes of the Riga City Council Commission for Licensing Commercial Transportation of Passengers of November 9, 2010 "On fare discounts on trolleybus route No. 25 and bus routes No. 10, 22 and 42.
- Minutes of the Riga City Council commission for licensing commercial transportation of passengers of August 25, 2021 "About the application of Riga municipal limited liability company SIA "Rīgas satiksme" No. KOR-MD/2021/63 about changes in bus route No. 6"
Regulations of "Rīgas satiksme":
- Rules and regulations for boarding and alighting on public transport
- Procedure for the use of subscription tickets
- Procedure for granting concessionary fares
- List of ticket types
- On control of passenger transportation
- Order of carrying bicycles in public transport vehicles
- Regulations of Ethics Committee
- On the procedure of execution and issue of resident’s card
- On the procedure of leasing out and leasing the real estate being in possession of Riga municipal limited liability company „Rīgas satiksme”
- Terms of use for the self-service portal "Single service portal"
- Procedure of granting fare discounts
- Regulations on the use of territories and internal order of Riga municipal limited liability company “Rīgas satiksme”
- Rules on access to information
- Procedure for giving (donating), accepting, and using donations
- Terms of use of the underground parking lot in Krišjāņa Valdemāra Street 5a, Riga
- Regulations on the issuance and use of a cooperation partner’s pass
Policy documents of "Rīgas satiksme":
- Corporate social responsibility and sustainability policy
- Corporate Governance policy
- Video surveillance policy
- Remuneration Policy
- Personnel Policy
- Customer Privacy Policy
- Employee and Officer Selection Procedures and Selection Privacy Policy
- Communication Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Corruption and Conflict of Interest Policy
- Integrated Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Energy Management and Environmental Policy
- Employee Privacy Policy
- Internal control environment and compliance policy
- Code of ethics
- Regulation on whistleblowing and consideration of whistle-blower’s reports
Documents are available in Latvian